Sunday, September 8, 2013


LDS Church services are much the same the whole world over. We have a sacrament meeting with speakers from the membership, hymns, and some general church business.  We meet in a Sunday School class to discuss scriptures, and we have a women's group meeting.

And generally you can expect some crying babies, a few frustrated toddlers being taken out to the hallway, two or three older people who fall asleep half way through the meeting.

The hymns are usually the standard ones that everyone knows - prayers are pretty familiar calls on Heavenly Father to bless us and those around us - we have the same opening and closing procedures for almost all our meetings.

But today in my daughter's congregation/ward....

The cutest little girl kept coming up behind me and gently touching my back.

The youth speaker really got everyone in the congregation to laugh.

One of the adult speakers shared some of his experiences in Vietnam.

The Sunday School class was PACKED, and too many people were willing to make comments that the teacher had a difficult time getting through the entire lesson.

A sister knit through all of Relief Society (which makes seems perfectly reasonable to me).

So it was just a little bit different. 

But nice.

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