Wednesday, September 4, 2013


My grandchildren both now have a miniature hamster - which is surprising given my daughter's dislike (dare we say hatred?) of small burrowing animals that produce little of anything except poop.

But these Roborovski hamsters are simply these adorable tiny balls of fluff that captivate your immediately with their antics.

I had always assumed that miniature anything must have been developed with human direction - most mini's couldn't survive in the wild.

I was totally incorrect in this regarding Roborovskis.

Yes, the name is from Vsevolod Roborovski, who gets credit for fist noting them in 1894.

But they are native to the Gobi Desert, as well as sections of northern China and the Mongolian desert. They efficiently conserve any water they consume, and live in long burrows.

They are not even herbivores; they consume insects and some types of meet, making them omnivores.

And if I didn't have animals at home that would step on them and never notice, I might be tempted to get one when I get back.

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