Saturday, February 27, 2016


I love Pinterest.

No, let me phrase that a little bit better.

I LOVE Pinterest.

It’s electronic hording – but it’s better than crack heroin… right? (of course, I use that same excuse for almost anything I want to do).

But I came across something the other day which seriously offended me.

See, I love books – and the reading that normally (at least to me) goes with having books.

But I guess some people love book… as decorative items.

And they sell them – on-line – BY COLOR.

Not by subject – not by author – but by COLOR.

And maybe size.

People, I am sorry, this is WRONG.

At least to a bibliophile such as myself.

There is nothing at all wrong with using books as decorations, of course.


Thursday, February 4, 2016


I have a lot of weaknesses, but the challenge I took says to list just five.

1. I'm impatient. With other people - with  myself - with life in general. When I want something, I want it NOW. And I'm impatient with anyone who doesn't want it as quickly as I do!

I am one of those well-if-it-gets-done-quickly-it-doesn't-really-matter-if-it's-done well person. I am fast and sloppy... but mainly sloppy.

2. I am scared of quite a few things. Heights - well, actually, falling DOWN from heights.  Angry people - okay, probably getting HIT and damaged by angry people.

3. I am not, and never ever WILL be, a morning person.

4. I am confident... a tad too much. I am pretty certain that I'll get through anything and/or everything. I think I could use a touch more humility - I'm working on it.

And 5. I am very guilty of judging people way too quickly. For someone who is incredibly sloppy in her personal appearance, I rapidly rate someone by their personal appearance MUCH too soon. I immediately take into account their physical fitness (weight, height, firmness) - and as a (relatively) short, fat person.... this is STUPID.