Wednesday, December 31, 2014


There is a "marathon" of episodes from the television show "Mythbusters."

In case one of the three people in the United States who have never watched Mythbusters are reading my blog, allow me to explain that this show is a "documentary" (of sorts) in which urban legends are "confirmed" or "busted" by testing them in a scientific manner.

It's a lot of putting things together and then blowing them up - proving or disproving things mathematically - staging events per the "myth" and seeing what happens.

It's a fun show - and I have wasted most of today away watching reruns of it.

Thanks, Adam and Jamie.


The older I get, and perhaps the more experienced I am, the less I want to experience.

When you are young, fresh, and perhaps naive, you want to get all the experience you can.

You slow down as you get more of life under your belt.

And I'm now at the end of my run, and there are quite a few things I am certain I do NOT want to experience.

Such as:

  • Bungee jumping. I think this has to be one of the stupidest ways to get an adrenaline rush; some kind of death wish, I guess.
  • Trying new foods. Most of us are trying to lose weight - do we really want to discover new tastes that we then have to resist?
  • Any More Traveling - at least travel just to be someplace I've never been before. I've done enough - people are great everywhere, different and yet very much the same - I've seen 46 of the 50 United States - the idea of ticking off more scenic sites on a list simply bores me. No retirement living in an RV.
Yes, I am fine with remaining boring and un-experienced.

Monday, December 29, 2014


Most of us believe in certain things.

Everyone seems to believe in luck, or karma, of some kind, even when they deny it.

The saying goes there are no atheists in foxholes.

And it seems like most of us believe in some pretty foolish stuff - like President Obama is a Muslim, the Internet is always true, and what Fox News says is true.

(Sorry, am I making my political stance a bit too obvious?)

Okay, how about belief in Bigfoot, UFOs, and that the landing on the moon was faked?

Well, actually, I think there is something like Bigfoot out there, I DO believe in UFOs (I've seen one), and I'm not entirely certain about the moon landing being real.

But tonight I found out someone I thought I knew fairly well does not believe in something that I accept as very basic.


Sunday, December 28, 2014


My husband's job for years has been working for the government dealing with anti-terrorism.

I thought I had heard about terrorism in every way possible.

Until I read this article at this evening.

Summary - Even terrorists have fears. And the prospect of gender equality appears to rank high on their list of worst nightmares. The logic, for them, is simple. Empowered women would never accept the brutal ideology espoused by terrorist leaders as the rule of their land. Educated women and girls would fundamentally challenge the power structure of organizations like ISIS. Therefore, if you carry out the argument, they must be suppressed and enslaved.

I had never thought of it that way.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


I hate cold weather.

I do live in Arizona, but at a high enough altitude that we get freezing temperatures, and even snow once or twice a year (at least until global warming began turning every one's weather upside down and backwards).

And last night was one of those cold nights - it got down to 22 degrees Fahrenheit.

Our church is almost completely volunteer-based; we don't have a  paid clergy, church members teach the classes and run the organizations.

And we volunteer to keep our church building clean.

So this Saturday morning, our names were on the list to meet early to clean.

I called the brother who is in charge of the cleaning schedule Friday evening to confirm the time.

And he told me we would be responsible for cleaning the OUTSIDE of the building.

The pavements - and porches - and leafs - and raking - OUTSIDE.

And guess what?

It was COLD.


I have a few habits.... and I am going to try to make this post once again one of them.

And I am trying to determine if I should attempt to acquire some others.

I used to have a pretty strict schedule in a daily planner - which was necessary with a full-time job, kids still living at home, church responsibilities, etc.

Now I'm home alone - not doing much of anything.

Should I go back into the full-blown daily schedule, categorizing of topics, personal and spiritual objectives, color-coding of events?
 I would get more done with that, I am certain - but is that what I want?

I guess I am going to have to meditate on this for a couple of days.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


I've been dealing with some issues.

Some have been purely in my mind.

Some are in circumstances still  surrounding me.

But some things I have come through, am now on the other side, and feel pretty well pleased with myself.

And I'm not entirely certain yet if I can commit again to this blog.... but I'd like to.

Let me issue this as a challenge to myself.