Friday, August 16, 2013


The bank has a different attitude towards my money than I do.

When I say "MY" money, I am actually talking about my husband's money - I haven't worked for any real space or time for about seven years now.

And the bank thinks that since MY money is not really MY money, that the bills OBVIOUSLY are going to be paid from my HUSBAND'S money, so why not take it right out of HIS account?

Today, I needed to visit our bank, and explain very gently, using words of no-more-than two syllables at any time, that although my husband EARNS the money, I am the one who SPENDS it.

And that mainly means PAY THE BILLS.

Since today was the FIRST payment on a personal loan we have taken out, the bank (incorrectly) assumed that payment would be coming out of my HUSBAND's account, not mine.

And since he only had $15 in his account, it went BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE.

It's corrected, and they have my instructions that even though I am the poorer one, I am the one who makes certain everyone gets their money.

And if they want THEIR money every month, they better ask ME.

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