Sunday, August 25, 2013


I have developed a unique method of filing important papers.

(And why the heck shouldn't it be "aN unique method"? It isn't, but I don't know why)

I stick it in a manila folder (why "manila"? Because they originally were made from manila hemp), and file it under whatever file folder strikes my fancy at the moment.

So a lot of things get stuck in "family", if it has something to do with anyone I'm related to - "animals" is about the animals, etc. etc. etc. (and why is it okay to use repetitive etc. when it usually isn't?).

But "Church" ends up holding the ward directory, RS lists and compassionate service assignments - but "food storage" has it's own file.

Why does rental property end up under "rental" instead of "2048 Santa Rosa"?

I have no answers - I just know I'll end up retrieving it if I leave it as such.

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