Then I stopped by to visit my brother, and bring him some snacks he had requested - only to literally have him throw the bags of chips I had brought back at me, in a fit of anger that they weren't the kind he wanted.

It's ridiculous to feel ostracised at age 58. It's outrageous to be treated by to a temper-tantrum throwing fit by an older sibling. It's especially stupid to let someone else's concept of 'beauty' throw a monkey-wrench into my self-image.
I'm not beautiful, and I'm okay with that - most of the time. I grew up being continually compared to my cute, short, blond and blue-eyed nieces. I was always the tallest, the awkward one stooped over in the back row (and is is fun to remember now how incredibly skinny I was back then).

And I don't like it.
At all.
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