I love organization.
No, love isn't a strong enough word - I
ADORE organization.
I spend hours, days, weeks, in office supply stores.

Give me clear, or even better, colored coordinated bins - drawer organizers - flowered file folders - every color Sharpie under the rainbow - desks of every shape and size.

My favorite job as a temp was always overhauling the file systems, and making them logical, easy
AND coordinated by color or a certain font style.

I could, and have, gotten lost in office projects for days. My poor kids can tell you how almost every Saturday of their childhood they were dragged to my office, put in the conference room with a video and a McDonald's Happy Meal, and left alone for hours while mommy indexed, tabled, arranged and harmonized.
So since I have been in a rather prolonged funk lately, I bought myself a new printer yesterday (the other one had died several days previously).

And since I had to install it, I decided to take my computer apart and put it back together in a more logical format.
Which meant I had to move my desk from the wall.

Which meant I had to take a whole lot of my office paraphernalia off the desk.
Which meant I had to rearrange it.
And since I was already moving things, why not move the file cabinets into a more accessible location.

I think you have the picture now.
I am going to sleep tonight with my entire room in complete disarray.
But, boy, am I look forward to working with it more tomorrow.
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