A couple of days ago I fell, hit my head on a couple of rocks, so I have five stitches holding the center of my forehead together for a few more days, with two black eyes and various scraps and cuts on other parts of me.
And I must admit I am extremely disappointed in most people's reaction when they see me in public.

I was hoping to get at least one did-someone-do-this-to-you-do-you-feel-safe.
But so far?
Most of my contact is them quickly averting any eye contact and hurrying past me.

But mostly it's omg-don't-look-at-her/me/that.

But come on, people, I might need REAL ACTUAL HELP.
Someone might be physically abusing me, and threatening me to not tell anyone.

I might NOT have gotten any medical help because I don't have any insurance and can't afford it.
I might be frightened and scared and need some assistance.
Wait a minute.
THAT is why people aren't inquiring - it might make them have to do something.
Safer to look past and beyond.
I've seen this quote on the Internet recently:
“Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, and injustice when He could do something about it. But I’m afraid He would ask me the same question.”
I think I understand this a little bit more now from the other side.
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