#1) I had whatever the reverse of insomnia is - a willingness to go to bed early. It may have had something to do with moving approximately 386 lbs. of dead/dying/petrified yucca limbs from various areas of our property to one big heap (destined for a possible fence or a really really big bonfire when our fire season is - if ever - over).

#3) Then, in sharp contrast, a pack of coyotes exploded with their yipes, barks, and screeches as they celebrated some sort of conquest or kill. They were probably several miles away, but in the thin night air, sounded as if they were right outside our window. My poor little dog Cissy was chased by a coyote just a few days ago when they were both following the same quail, so she was quivering slightly and kept looking to me for reassurance - "You're not going to let them in, are you, Mommy?!"

#4) When I went outside about two hours later to feed the animals, the cloud pattern in the slowly-dawning sky was as if pieces of lace were laid over an ever increasing field of pink and blue. I wish I had taken a photo, even with my cell phone, quick enough to capture the sheer elegance of it - but I didn't.
And these two guys? They have nothing to do with this blog - I just came across them as I was searching for the pictures above, and thought they were worth sharing.
And maybe the memory of THESE faces will make YOU wake up quickly tomorrow morning!

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