Tonight, I find it hard to accentuate the positive... I know it is out there, but right now it feels so hard to see or to reach. There are moments in this journey with my disease that I wish I did not have to take all by myself

She is dealing with reoccurring cancer - her significant-other recently left her - she is struggling financially. And doing all of this without anyone physically by her side.
It just made me stop and think.
Mortality is our moment in the sun to learn. It's not supposed to be quick or easy or necessarily fun - but it can and should contain as much happiness, joy and fulfillment as we can create.

But each and every one of us has to do it alone.
We may have wonderful and supportive family/spouse/friends - but we have to learn and do our lessons by ourselves. We may be completely abandoned by everyone - and we have to learn and do our lessons by ourselves. Regardless of people who come, people who leave, people who love us, people who hate us, people who are completely indifferent - we have to learn and do our lessons by ourselves.

Because if not by ourselves, we don't actually learn the lesson.
Every single human being longs to be loved, to be appreciated, to be part of someone that they love.
And I think it must be deliberate that this state is so rarely reached.
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