Friday, June 15, 2012


When do you realize you are monopolizing the conversation?

Usually quite a while after you actual ARE.

I fully realize that personality quirks that irritate us the most are the ones we often do not recognize in ourselves.

But my brother is driving me simply batty right now with his non-stop musical commentary and demonstrations to my poor dear neighbor who came over just to get help with tuning his mandolin tuning.

So I am certain that I must do the same time - probably when the conversation can be turned to horses or church or the BBC Sherlock series.

I'm going to have to watch that.

However it seems obvious that a 'real' conversation has give and take - sharing - taking polite turns at the podium - willing to actually listen to the other person(s) without just figuring out what you are going to say in rebuttal.

Right now I am not hearing that.

 And I need to be certain that it is not happening next time I get on a topic which I  have any expertise (imagined or otherwise) in.

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