Monday, December 23, 2013


This evening, a potentially angry shouting match was resolved peacefully.

By me, amazingly enough.

Calling any 800 number for tech assistance two days before Christmas is obviously treading on very unstable ground. 

You have staff who are overworked, underpaid, and suffering the same pre-holiday stress that everyone is feeling.

And they are taking calls from dingbats like me, who can't tell an antenna intake from that other set of yellow, red and white plugs, which are supposed to go someplace.

The guy who answered my phone call was NOT having a good day.

And he let me know it.

I could have shouted back, demanded to talk to his supervisor, and get a bad mark put in his file.

But I didn't.

I took a deep breath, and put myself in his place.

We ended up talking about his very bright and caring seven-year-old son who rounded up three boxes of his toys and asked his dad to give them away to some needy children,

It ended up being very civil and nice.

Although my television is still not working.

But a lot of bad karma got blown away that could have been a bad ending to both of our days,

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