Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GOODBYE 2013, HELLO 2014

I wish I could type out some witty yet thoughtful observations of the past year.

So I went through my blog and copied out at least the titles for 2013 to see if anything inspired me.

Some of them made me laugh: some I can't actually remember even writing (really, it's the one great thing about a diminishing memory - everything becomes a surprise!).

BUT here is my list of titles and search words (which is where I normally get pretty silly):

2014, HERE I COME. Cats, horses, little dogs on a leash with raincoats, rabbits
BED MEMORIES OF CHRISTMASES PAST bad Christmas, Christmas, evil spirits, looking forward with hope
SHOUTING MATCH 800 numbers, 800 tech support, angry, Buffalo Bill, deep breath, karma, pre-Christmas tension, shouting, tech support, television
LIVING LIKE A PIONEER Cold, communal beds, dark dark nights, fire, light, pioneer children who walked and walked and walked, pioneers, warmth
SO RIGHT WHEN THE CAR IS PAID OFF...heater broken, leaky windows, Michael Jordon, snow on the mountains, warranty expired
LEAVING A CAT ALONE cat payback, Nelson Mandela, snuggle, vacation, warmth in December
HOME SWEET HOME grandchildren, left-over pizza, National Geographic, Oceanside, Southern California, vacation
IDEAL IDLE IDEAS asleep, awake, comfortable, dreaming, falling asleep, nightmares, Sleeping, snuggle, unconscious, warm
SEPARATION ANXIETY CTR-ALT-DEL, mind numbing, parental, parental controls, programming, separation, television, Xbox
BASKETBALL BLUNDERS10 year olds, basketball, court experience, embarrassment, the Bulls, youth, youth basketball
PREPARING FOR BATTLE commute time, Fast and Testimony, grandchildren, John Wilkes Booth, LDS, sacrament, substitute in Primary, Sunday
YES, THERE IS AN EASIER WAY TO GET THERE, BUT...internal compass, lost on the freeway, MapQuest, Prius, Richard Nixon, San Diego
HOTEL HOSPITALITY hotel, hotel rooms, La Quinta Inn, solitude with the guilt
DOGS BARKING IN THE MOONLIGHT barking, dogs, illegal immigrates, living on the edge, noise, opposite of quietness, quietness, whinnying
MANNERS AT WALMART60's, body pillows, hippies, Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan, looking at things in a new way, manners, old men trying on underwear in public., social gatherings, Walmart
LET ME RANT AND RAVE FOR A MINUTES HERE being the grownup, infant mentality, juvenile behavior, labels, temper tantrums, weariness
FORGETTING FACES forgetful, forgetting, not good with faces, not good with memory, not good with names, not retaining anything worth mentioning
MEETING FACE TO FACE avoid, face to face, meeting, nursing homes, trust, uncomfortable
BUT WHAT ARE YOU REALLY SAYING HERE? Asking in an indirect way, being polite, having manners, politeness, socially correct, ulterior motives
WE GATHER THIS DAY TO MOURN THE PASSING arrangements, burial, computer death, death, funeral, Mourning Period, PC death
TALKING TO MYSELF self-dialogue, talking to God, talking to myself, talking to the animals
ISN'T THAT JUST WHAT I SAID?!attitude change, nursing boredom, nursing facility, nursing home, occupational therapy, physical therapy

OHIO four dead, Kent State, May 4 1970, Ohio, Ohio National Guard, protest about Cambodia campaign, students
CHURCH IN PAJAMAS church in your pajamas, General Conference, Jesus Christ, LDS, subtitles, testimony, words of a prophet
DADDY’S IN THE KITCHEN crock-pots galore, government shut-down, husband in the kitchen, ice-cream, pot-roast, stuffed apples
PREJUDICE IS PREJUDICE Christ-like behavior, Facebook, Family, Gay, grandfather is still being a dingbat, love, parental love, Tim Burton

MIDNIGHT clocks, federal government, government closing, midnight, morning, never a morning person, night owl, time, who made midnight the end of the day
OCTOBER autumn, cold beginning, Halloween, Johnny Depp, leaves changing, light jackets, October, pumpkins
LOVE THY NEIGHBOR hate people who hate, love people who hate, love thy enemy, Love thy neighbor, racists
WHY, YES, I DO HAVE TWO PIANOS abandoned piano, dusting, Elton John, friends, grand piano, piano, piece of furniture, used piano
CRAIGSLIST Craig Newmark, craigslist, free listing, looking for a dog, looking for a girl, looking for a horse, looking for a SWHM, San Francisco
TEACHING METHODS FOR FIVE YEAR OLDS Allison, bribery, Brook, classroom, Collin, cookies, dream class, five year old, Jamus, Joshua, Paige, Starbursts, surprise substitute teaching
IS THERE A POLITICALLY CORRECT WAY TO KILL A MOUSE? Cat and mouse, Facebook, friendly suggestions for mouse disposal, mouse hunter, Tom & Jerry
WE’RE ALL ALONE TOGETHER can you ever go back, hairstyles of the decade, music, personal choices, sibling rivalry
ROCKY XIV bloody nose, broken nose, cute senior citizens, Owen Wilson, Rocky, Rocky Balboa, Rocky movies, Shopping, Walmart
REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES IN THE PANTRY cleaning, dirty, filthy, lack of any standards, mouse traps, pantry, unsanitary
CHOICE ROOMMATES borderline comatose, college, coughing, nursing home, roommates, snoring
YES WE HAVE NO BANANAS Carl's Jr., fast food employees, McDonald’s, minimum wage workers, trying to survive on minimum wages, Wendy's
ULTERIOR MOTIVE PART TWO Book of Mormon, Dallin H. Oaks, feeling better about myself, grudgingly, Moroni 7:8, scriptures
ULTERIOR MOTIVES benevolence, charity, evil under the surface, The Boston Strangler, ulterior motives
PICTURE DAY AT SCHOOL mud wrestling, Package G for only $35, photo packages, school day photographs, school. Anne Margaret, vomiting
RUBBER2011, French, Quentin Dupieux, Robert the Tire, rubber, waste of a good Ben and Jerry's
BOOKS BOOKS BOOKSamazon.com, books, ordering, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Roy Rogers, Tina Fey, useless crap
THE SAME, BUT DIFFERENT church, different congregations, LDS meetings, Matt Dillon, Oceanside, Supernatural, wards
WHEN A CHICKEN SALAD IS NOT A CHICKEN SALAD chicken salad, Denny's, Firehouse Subs, Jumbo Jack's Shrimp and Lobster, ordering the wrong item and having to eat it, salad, Sub Subs, Subway Subs

KATNISS, WATCH OUT archery, bows and arrows, Errol Flynn, Jennifer Lawrence, New York Times, The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games Trilogy
ROBOROVSKI HAMSTERS OVERRUN THE WORLD - FILM AT 11cheesecake, frantic producers of poop, Gobi Desert, hamsters, miniature hamsters, Mongolian desert, Robert Redford in the nude, Roborovskis
SAN DIEGO – HOT HUMID AND HELLISH help help help, Hotter than hell, humidity, sweat
LEAVING ON A JET PLANE, PART TWO Airplanes, airports, first class seating, seating, terminals, tucked in like sardines, Tucson International Airport
LEAVING ON A JET PLANE, ONCE AGAIN airports, anticipation, Bruce Wayne, Bugs Bunny, flying, long-term parking, TSA, Tucson International Airport, X-ray machines
PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 13-192 TO 13-919Bruce Willis, collection agency, collection letters, karate, pay us immediately or you will DIE, State of Maryland, threaten
BACK TO BACK cursing like a sailor, dog explosion, hobble, hurting your back, old lady
TWO IS COMPANY, THREE IS A CROWD....chicken casserole, compassionate service meals, feeding the missionaries, homemade, Pizza Hut To The Rescue
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Billy Bob, but it's a dry heat, everything is relative, humidity, southeastern United States of America
FILES ON TOP OF FILES and still more papers, Avery, files, folders, manila, more papers, papers, questions, ridiculous questions to ask in passing
SICKER THAN AN OSTRICH call the dogs off, dog days, fight like cats and dogs, hair of the dog, hot diggity dog, Lassie, raining cats and dogs, Rin Tin Tin, Scooby Doo
NO CHANGE, NO CHANGE ATMs ,bank, debit card, money, new account, new numbers to try to memorize, Tim Burton
AN OPENED WINDOW cleaning, fresh start, mouse poop, opening, shutters, Windows
DANGERS OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN desert, fire dangers, high chaparral, monsoon, Monument Fire, Oliver & Hardy, tinder
IN THE MIDST OF A WHIRLPOOL color-coordination, file folders, horizontal organizers, mental disability, Office Depot, office organization, Sharpies, Staples, vertical organizers, we might just find Jimmy Hoffa tomorrow
MONEY MONEY MONEY accounts, bankers, Daddy Warbucks, loans, money, my money, Tina Turner, your money
SUNSET Arizona, Buddy Holly, Captain Kangaroo, clean air, Elmo, mountain ranges, sky, sunsets
THE OLD MAN IS SNORING....Chris Hemsworth, Huachuca, lightning, Thor, thunder, very very frightening
DISTANCE IS RELATIVE Baltimore, Kalamazoo, Metro DC, Milton-Freewater Oregon, relative distances, The Monkees, time travel, Tucson, wimp
POWER HUNGRY choir director, control, medication necessary, position of authority, position of power, power hungry, power mad
PART OF MY HEART IS MISSING French bread, herd animals, horse, horses, lonely, new baby, solitary, The French Connection
MAKING FRIENDS Elton John, grazing, green, horses, making friends, monsoon, Najale, Renegade, tropical paradise
GRAVITY WORK Sat least I didn't break my nose this time, ibuprofen, Jay Leno, old lady aches, splat, tripping, Tripping In The Shower
BACK IN TIME awkward, comparison, frumpy, homely, medical examination, overweight, self-image, wallflower
ESCAPED HORSE African bees, Arabians, horse, horses, Lilly Tomlin, Najale, paint, quarter horse, whinnying, yoga
DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE cleaning, domestic disturbance, fighting a losing battle, Morgan Freeman, profanity, violence in the house, white tennis shoes
DOUBLE THE TROUBLE aerobic exercise, bribery with crackers, grandparenting, Johnny Depp, LDS meetings, military wards, sacrament meeting, twin girls, walking the halls
A MORMON AND A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS WALK INTO A BAR...cold calls, door to door, Jehovah's Witness, knocking, Knocking on Heaven's Door, Mormon
HIDING UNDERNEATH MY BED crying like a baby, fear, hiding under the bed, thunderstorms
HUMIDITY IN THE DESERT dead poets, desert, humidity, Poetry, suffering, water vapor
PREPARATION WHAT FOR WHO? Brotherly love, CVS Pharmacy, hemorrhoids, New Jersey, preparation, Preparation H
AN ACCOLADE FOR DELILAH adopted racer, couch potato, Diamond Delilah, Family, greyhound, racer
I WANT MY MOMMY achy, being a child, blankie, comforter, fever, illness, pillow, teddy bear, throat, wanting a mommy
TO EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED animals, horse transportation, monsoon, monsoon rains, Monument Fire, pickup truck, Stevie Wonder
ANSWERS TO MOST QUESTIONS chocolate, Doris Day, lettering, sleep, thunderstorms, time
NATIONAL ATTENTION15 minutes of fame, Bible College, Cochise County, flash flood warning, Josh Brolin, Miracle Valley, Palominas, weather
TIRED OR DEPRESSED? Backseat of cars, depression, office space, sleep, sleep apnea, sleeping on the job, snooze, snore
THUNDER AND LIGHTNING Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper, diet coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, idleness, lightning, monsoon, rain, storms, thunder
FREEDOM act of treason, Dean Meservy, Fourth of July, freedom, political compromise, revolt, United States of America
AUTHOR AUTHOR alarm, book, fanfiction, fiction, totally silliness, vanity, writing
CELLULITE ON A CHILD? cellulite, child abuse, child beauty contests, love handles, Toddlers and Tiaras
ACHIEVING ZEN WHILE SWEATING 1988, Ala Moana Park, Camp Smith, Hawaii, running, The Great Aloha Run, The Hawaii Heart Association
IS IT THAT TIME OF NIGHT ALREADY? 2 a.m., college, Denny's, Insanity, Jack The Ripper, Jimmy Fallon, late night, night jobs, night owl, sleep deprivation
HOSTILE, ME? aggression, competition, competitive, pure silliness, race, struggle, sweat, treadmill
NEW BEGINNINGS begin, Donald Trump's hair, fresh, New Beginnings, resolutions, start anew
STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW discussion, divorce, gay marriage, marriage, non-gay marriage, premarital sex, Rock Hudson, screaming, sex outside of marriage
TEMPORARILIY STUCK glue, sticky, tape, the Spice Girls, Velcro, Zen attitude

FACE TOWARDS THE LIGHT Lemon juice, light, paint brushes, R.E.M., stand, Your feet are going to be on the ground

FELINE VS CANINE battles, Cat, dogfight-to-the-death

FLASHING BEFORE MY EYES horses, last two days, life flashing before your eyes, rope, safety

LETS HEAR IT FOR AIR CONDITIONING air conditioning, desert, furnace, heat, hot weather, Hugh Laurie, rattlesnakes, sweat

LATE NIGHT TELEVISION late night television, late nights, sleep, trying to stay awake

THE PUSH big fat old butt, Fitness, gym, old lady fitness, Pinterest, Summit Fitness, sunshine, The Great Gatsby

WRITING FICTION a poor excuse for literacy, bad writing late at night, Cumberbatch, fanfiction, Sherlock, writing

OCEANSIDE avocados, California, In 'N Out burgers, late nights, Oceanside, Star Trek Into Darkness, the ocean, vacation

LATE NIGHT GIGGLES armistice, chocolate, dental floss, Disneyland, Orb, Richard Nixon, waxed paper

THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIESAKA the tooth LGBT, and more moths after that, Lepidoptera’s, more moths, moths, The Mothman Prophecies, tooth fairy

AN UNSOLICATED ADVERTISMENT FOR CRAIGS LIST advertisement, Craig’s list, craigslist, miniature goats, peace symbol, unsolicited advertisement

MONDAY, MONDAY, CAN'T TRUST THAT DAY...baby goats, goat, goats, milk, mother, mudder, the start of a new day, udder

WATER WATER EVERYWHERE horses, I'm a high functioning sociopath, Kanga, Rue, thirst, water, Winnie the Pooh

SO WHEN DOES IT BECOME BETTER? Exhaustion, Fitness, no-glow, Summit gym, treadmill, weight lifting

WIND Arizona, blowing, Dust, blustery ,breezy, dust, ohmygodyouarecomingintomylane, stormy, trucks, wind, Windy

ONE MIGHTIER THAN THE OTHER? DC 46, Hierarchy, light-sabers, organization, speaking in tongues, spiritual gifts

RUNNING AWAY... AGAIN California, Disneyland, non-traditional, painted toenails just for once, Rush Limbaugh, San Diego, Twinkies, vacation

GOING BACKWARDS? anguish,misery, NRA, pain, procrastinating,procrastination, putting off, suffering, worry

GOOD Boston bombing, brisk wind, clean blue sky, clearing of the senses, wildflowers

STEPPING UP TO THE ABYSS emotions, facing fear, fear, fighting fear, horse, horses, idol worship, injuries, Martin Freeman, Roy Rogers

AND HERE IN THIS CORNER...bomb making, cleaning, having missionaries over for dinner once again, I would walk a thousand miles, Murphy's law

LAPSES IN COMMUNICATION (I.E. OUTER SPACE)closeness, communication, Family,letter, love, siblings, writing

MY KINGDOM FOR A TOWEL cross-pollination, Eddie Murphy, feeling pretty stupid, gym, heart rate, shower, sweating, towel, treadmill

WHAT IS JUNK TO YOU...dump, junk, land-fill, pack-rats, sanitation, trash, vivid imagination

IT'S ALL IN MY HEAD author, computer keyboard, Jane Austin, novel, paper and pen, Pride and Prejudice, typesetting, writing

NOW THAT’S A PLAN atoms, exercise, gay marriage, molecules, Monday on a Thursday, nuclear family, organization, plan

IT’S A SIGN bone strengthening, embarrassment, exercise, fat fat fat, public humiliation, sweat, tears, weight loss

CALIFORNIA DREAMIN 'California, Charles Horton, eighties music, Horton, Horton 2013, Horton Hears a Who, Thursday night in downtown San Diego

PACKING airlines, ammunition, and Season 3 of Sherlock, baggage, Benedict Cumberbatch, carry-on, luggage, purse, refrigerator-size boxes, satchel

ANGELS VOICES OR DEMONS SHRIEKING? Alto, angels or demons, bad singing, good singing, hymns, LDS, music, tenors
FREEZING IN MOTION avocado dip, Dune, Fear is the mind-killer, Frank Herbert, Fred Flintstone, frozen, sculpture, statue

POLITICIANS, SHUT UP AND LISTEN AND CHANGE angry temper tantrums, compromise, Democrats, politics, Republicans, screaming, Washington D.C.

PLAYING SPIRITUAL HOOKY Cold, Doris Day, hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, illness, mental illness, peppermint, sick, sniffles

I ‘AVE A ‘AD COLD Barry Manilow, colds, illness, pneumonia, Rock Hudson, stupid goats

BUZZINESS lack of personal motivation, lack of time management, seasickness, sheer laziness, water allegories

AH THE FOLLY OF YOUTH black sheep, escapee, goat, Lucy, scapegoat, The Gap, wolf in sheep's clothing

COUNTING SHEEP TO STAY AWAKE bottled water, Dick Caveat, driving, falling asleep at the wheel, Freaky Friday, I-10, sleepiness

LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW! And more snow, desert, freezing, Phoenix, snow

PUPPY LOVE dog, golden rule, humanity, loose dog

PREPARING TO DEFEND MY CHOICES book club, Dune, Frank Herbert, Greek Gods, John Steinbeck, Pride and Prejudice, Travels with Charley, Walking Dead, Zombies

FEELING HAPPY AND LUCKY AND GAY compassion, forgiveness, Gay, LDS gay, love, not judging, Rock Hudson, the obvious homosexual relationship between Capt. Kirk and Spock

MSSING PUPPY border collie mix, craziness, Insanity, never to be seen again, speck on the horizon, wild blue yonder, yellow lab mix

HISTORY OF A CISSY Cissy, dog, hyper, impossible, Insanity, ridiculous, training

DEPARTMENT OF REDUNDENCY DEPARTMENT boring, control, familiar, George Michael, lack of change, Pride and Prejudice, redundant, uninteresting

HEAD OVER HEELS children, grandchildren, grandmother, granny, head over heels, love

LET’S GET IN THE CAR AGAIN, SHALL WE? Beltway, commute, driving, laziness, Tucson, Washington D.C.

NAG NAG NAG iPhone, iPhone apps, life destroyed, life ruined, nagging

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