Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Who decided that midnight is when the day is over?

My day is over around 8:30 p.m. - anything after that really belongs to tomorrow.

In fact, the only useful thing that I do in the evening it write down all my plans for tomorrow - the plans that I generally smile sadly at the next day and send it through the shredder.

I used to be a complete night owl, and only really came alive after 10 p.m.

And while I am never ever EVER going to be a morning person, I am now a night WIMP.

I am ready to chuck it all in at 9 p.m. - I actually am ready to go to SLEEP.

So when Congress and the Senate and the President are still arguing over Obamacare, which had already been signed into law and ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, and the Republicans threaten to shut down the government if they can't agree to do just what the Republicans want (can you tell that I am slightly biased about this?), MIDNIGHT was their deadline.

And, thankfully, here in Arizona, that's 9 p.m.

So I got to bed on time.

And yes, the federal government went ahead and shut down - and my husband is home until that changes.

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