Someone wants something.
I'm not willing to immediately give this person what they want.
This someone then erupts into a temper tantrum, lashing out with angry words and threats.
(Sounds like our government right now, doesn't it?)
I then end up retreating and giving the someone what they wanted in the first place.
Number one; I've reward bad behavior.

Number two; I've now in a bad and depressed mood.
This would all be much simpler if I was dealing with a five-year old.
However, I am taking about my sixty-two year old brother.
And since I am striving to become more Christ-like, I wonder if this is abuse or simply to be tolerated as Christ tolerated and forgave the people who worked against him.

When is it service and when is it abuse?
Or am I supposed to teach a 62 year old some manners?
Any thoughts?
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