I surround myself with sticky notes, framed affirmations, bumper stickers, and not-quite-but-close-to tattoos to keep myself on track with self-improvements, motivations, and a close eye on my leaky memory.

I am allowing my BBC Sherlock-addiction to bleed slowly out of my system into a bit of Sherlock fanfiction (what else do we Cumber-babes have to do until Season 3 finally comes out? I mean, besides seeing Star Trek Into Darkness time and time again).

It's actually more fun than writing a blog - except that I actually check and re-check my spelling, grammar, and sweat over plot development with my fanfiction, and I simply let my fingers dance over the keyboard and thoughts wander in and out of reality with this blog.

Some day I may actually get brave and post some of it here.
As long as no one expects that level of writing to continue.
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