Friday, May 31, 2013


There are many excuses for me not to go to the gym.

 It's over 20 miles driving for me. But then again, it's over 20 miles to get to almost anyplace when you live this far out in the country.

It's funner to sit at the computer and write silly blogs like this on, pinterest things, and stalk people on Facebook - but sitting is only increasing the size of my fat butt.

The dogs miss me. Well, for about four seconds, and then they simply collapse into their happy comatose state and sleep until I get come back home.

I wish I could be spending the time with the horses. Although I know from experience that once it's over 80 degrees, neither the horses or I have patience with each other.

Okay, I've run out of excuses. I better get dressed and head for the gym.

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