Saturday, February 2, 2013


I've driven quite a bit.

I began driving when I was around 12 - and no, it wasn't legal at all.

My first year of college was over 300 miles from where I grew up.

Then I moved about 2,000 miles more.

So I got accustomed to driving long distances

Some commutes to work were short - I even had a couple of jobs which I could walk to.

Some were pretty long; perhaps not in miles, but often over an hour driving time. D.C. especially was almost always guaranteed to be at least 45 minutes, even when it was less than 30 miles.

People who live near me do complain about having to drive 20 minutes to even get to the city limits of the nearest town.

And I admit to complaining to having to drive up to Tucson nowadays, which is only a bit more than 100 miles one-way.

But guess what.

Someone is going to do it for me tomorrow.

And I'm grateful.

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