Thursday, January 31, 2013


My iPhone is dangerous.

It has slowly but insidiously wormed its way into all aspects of my life.

My calendar is no longer in a booklet - it's on my iPhone.

My list of contacts, phone numbers, addresses, emails, websites? iPhone.

Maps on paper and in the glove compartment? Never again. Directions come over an app on my iPhone.

Reminders? No longer on Post It notes or written on the mirror with dry erase markers - but on my iPhone. (Voice Memos ROCK)

Playing computer games? Yes, but not on my trusty Dell, but on the phone.

Share photos of my adorable grandchildren? Yup.

And now I have made the ultimate error.

I installed an app called "Doable". I put an action, set how often I want it done, and it reminds me when the due time is past.

And it reminds me.

And reminds me.

It isn't easy to turn off.

Which is why I am writing this blog right now - so it will stop reminding me!

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