A common platitude in the LDS church is that our teenagers today were "saved" to live in these perilous times, offering the supportive concept that they are strong enough, unique enough as spirits to withstand all the sin of this time.
(And by this logic, it seems to imply that previous generations were weaker, more easily manipulated, more prone to mistakes - and these are the people passing on these clichés!).
But if our youth are "more valiant", could this perhaps be the reason new and more unique methods of sin are developing?
The pioneers didn't have to worry about internet porn - WWII time-frame wasn't caught up in Twitter mania - every the radical 60's idea of revolt involved only denim, hair that was longer than the collar, and the music we now listen to as soft rock or Muzak in the mall.
And perhaps is this why individuals who are obviously "born" gay are also being 'saved' for today?
I don't know if it's simply because being a homosexual has become more politically correct in the last forty years, and if anyone who was gay in the past then simply remained very much stuffed in their closet by public pressure.
When I was growing up, I do remember some bachelors who had great taste in fashion - there were a couple of tough ladies who lived together - and it seemed that in most grades there was one effeminate boy who got picked on a lot.

I propose a theory.
As the LDS church teaches it, we are brought here to earth in order to gain a mortal body, to be tested and tried, and to learn the lessons necessary for us to return and live in Heavenly Father's presence for eternity.
And, as I was explaining to my older brother the other day, we are subject to periods of illness or our 'declining' years perhaps not as a test for ourselves as much as a chance for those around us, responsible for us, to prove their character in caring for us.
Might not this be an opportunity for those of us around these 'potential' gay youth to show/learn respect for others, tolerance and love for those who may not agree with us? Could these 'choice spirits' be the ones who aren't sent here to learn, but are sent here for US to learn? And accept? And love?
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