Yes, we drove off, murdered, penned, abused and dehumanized the natives of this land.
We became a nation because we got mad about taxes (that sounds familiar, doesn't it?).

We blatantly moved across the nation, taking up everything we could get.

In a nation reportedly founded on the concepts of "all men are created equal" (as long as that doesn't include women, blacks, native Americans, or anyone else we don't like at the moment) and that our Creator has endowed us with "certain unalienable rights" (as long as they are rights we agree with, and not ones that someone else wants), and freedom of religion (unless you are Quakers or Mormon or Catholics.

And the list continues.
But you know what?
We've got a pretty good base - we've got a government that, as irritating and frustrating as it is at times, has deliberate checks and balances, and has survived our silly attempts to uproot it for over 200 years now.

We're going the best we can.
And it isn't and won't ever be perfect.
So we need to keep working on it.
I'm willing to.
Are you?
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