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Nope, you are extremely mistaken about this.
More INDIVIDUALS need to do this.

It's fairly easy to walk or drive right past a homeless person, dirty, unkempt, begging on the corner, and ignore them.
And it's convenient to think "Why doesn't someone DO something about these poor people?"
If you're a certain type of person, you will even say (or think), "Why don't these people just get a JOB, get themselves back on their feet and not live this way?"

You will think to yourself, "Well, they got themselves into this position, and they have no one but themselves to blame."
"I'd give them some money, but they'd just spend it on drugs or booze, so I won't."
"They probably dress like that just to get extra money."

I'd like you to imagine some things.
Imagine a member of your own family has become seriously ill.
Then you are laid off, and lose your health insurance.
You still are trying to take care of the ill member of your family. But your unemployment only lasts for a few months.
You can't pay the mortgage or the rent. Your friends and family are just as strapped for cash by the poor economic situation. You can't pay the medical bills that keep piling up.
You apply for medical assistance.... oh, sorry - that was a part of Obamacare, and that got stopped, remember.
You try to stay in a homeless shelter.

You are only allowed to stay two weeks because of the number of people waiting for your space.
You are out on the streets now.
You have no access to a shower, to hot water, no privacy.
Your only personal belongings are the ones you can carry with you or in a shopping cart.
"Oh, come on, wait a minute," you interrupt me, "I would never BE in that type of situation! I have savings! I have a steady job that I would never be fired from! I have family that would support me in these dire circumstances!"

Okay, well, maybe not.
But Christ gave the commandment - not suggestion - to love one another.
Do you think that only means love and help middle-class income people as yourself?
Is loving one another only loving people who agree with you politically?
Did Christ himself only fellowship the steady observant Jews of his time?
I don't think I need to say anything more.
Or at least I hope I don't need to say anything more.
Give the guy begging on the corner that five dollar bill in your wallet - you don't need that dessert.

Take all those clothes that you figure you'll fit into someday when you've lost that last 10 lb, and donate them to the homeless shelters - or Goodwill and the Salvation Army.
Instead of buying another DVD, give that money to your local shelter.

And the most radical idea I will present in this entire little tirade?
Stop and talk to a homeless person.
Yes, that scruffy guy smoking a cigarette ("Man, how can he possible afford cigarettes?!"
Say "Hello." Ask if there is anything specific he needs that you could help with.

You may find out that the cigarette has been picked up off the street - his wife left him when he lost his job - he is dealing with depression and alcoholism and not doing well at all.
You may just be able to buy a McDonald's meal for him.

(And yes, use reasonable caution - do it only in public, well-lit places with people around you - DUH!)
Don't wait for Subway restaurant to donate more - do it yourself.