The headline reads
So the first time, I read that as "a Sheriff in some shortened version of the state of Arizona became aware of his homosexual tendencies shortly after filing claims of misconduct on someone else."
And the next time, it obviously read that "an Arizonan Sheriff made an announcement of his homosexual tendencies shortly after filing the misconduct claims.

And then I clicked on the link and read the actual story at
Arizona sheriff who is running for a Congressional seat.
People, let's get real here.
I mean, look at me.
I sleep with a dog. I talk to horses. I eat Eggo waffles with creamy peanut butter piled high on top. And until age 43, I had a perpertual blackhead on my upper lip.
So am I not eligible for running for Congress? Do any of this facts in ANY possible away affect my ability to represent my area's interests in the federal government? Does this suddenly make everything I do subject to intense questioning?
Does my talking to horses make me overly sympathic to any horse-related bills that might come up, to the obvious anti-horse feelings of my district?
Will the Eggo and peanut butter make me subject to possible blackmailing by the Kellog and J.M. Smuckers?

SO WHY DOES ANYONE CARE IF THIS GUY LIKES OTHER GUYS MORE THAN HE LIKES GIRLS?!?! (Eww... I think I wouldn't like this blonde bimbo either)
He's not married - he's not cheating on his significant other. The article quotes that "Babeu owes much of his political standing to Arizona Sen. John McCain," he's an Iraqi war vet, and he has a very nice list of creditionals at
his web site.
Please, people. Elect this guy as a good person to represent us in Washington D.C. Or don't. But don't base your decision on how he lives his personal life. Or if he eats waffles with peanut butter.
But if you ARE going to base your decision on his gayness, then please
also do the following for EVERY OTHER ELECTED OFFICIAL YOU HAVE EVER VOTED FOR; it only seems proper.
- Is this person married to their original spouse?
- Has this person every had an extramaterial affair?
- Do this person and their spouse practice any form of birth control?
- Has this person ever mastrubated at any point in their life?
- Had this person ever agreed with any position commonly held by the opposing political party?
And does any of THIS have anything to do with their ability to hold a political office?
So just one last thing.
Any one reading this who prefers to be called a Chrisitian - look up Luke 6:37.
Please - let me know.