Friday, September 2, 2011


I can't post this on Facebook without starting an uproar.

So I'll gripe about it here.

This video, In God We Trust, was posted on Facebook by several friends with the notation "The Song Most Radio Stations Are Banning" and "If you agree with this song, please repost."

I don't agree.

Yes, it's wonderful that a whole great big bunch of us believe in God.

But this nation was founded on a couple of extremely important premises.

One of them being the separation of church and state.

And another being the freedom of religion.

Yes, people can believe in God.

But people also have the right, and the freedom, to NOT believe in God. And they can believe in a God called Allah - or Elohim - or Parabrahman - or Waheguru - or Bahá - or Gitche Manitou.

And still be be strong, upright citizens.

They can worship Satan - they can worship frogs - they can worship Justin Bieber if they want.

U.S. citizens have the right to protest - to burn the American flag in protest - to believe in ways that we find ridiculous.

And if we don't protect that right, we are one step closer to having OUR right to worship OUR God taken away by someone else.

One of my MANY bumper stickers is "Freedom of Religion means ALL religions - not just the ones you may agree with."

We need to remember that, if we expect to be able to continue as Christians... or Jews... or Buddists...

Or frog-worshippers. ;-)

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