This morning I was driving to church and doing my normal talking-aloud-to-Heavenly-Father, sort of an informal-prayer that I normally hold while driving from my house until I get to the first curve by the Huachuca Mountains (I have no idea why that geographical landmark is important, but so be it).

And, in my normal okay-why-am-I-now-thinking-about-red-grapes random thought process, I was thinking of my old how-to-relate-the-Holy-Ghost-to-radio-waves analogy (and did you notice that I am using an incredible amount of this-is-tied-together-with-minus-sign-or-whatever-this-"-"-symbol-means... and I'm getting very tired of it).

Suddenly, I had a computer-age breakthrough (damn it, I went ahead and used another one, didn't I?).
Instead of a radio wave, now it's Google.
We can type in something like "American Revolution Turkey Stuffing Nasal Hair" and get 27,500 results
in 0.18 seconds.
So how can we possible debate that God can't hear the prayers
from every single person in the world?
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