I don't think I can take it.
So I'm hoping that writing about it can help me get through this.
Yes, I remember 9/11. My husband woke me up, and said he had been called into work because "a plane crashed into the World Towers."
I got up immediately and turned on CNN. And watched as the second plane hit the second tower.

I never looked at a jet the same way again.
I spoke to more relatives in the next couple of weeks than I had in years.
My husband's job was suddenly much more important and his opinion a lot more valued.
I kept expecting 9/11 to happen again. And again. And again.

And I don't want to re-live it. I don't want to go over it again. I don't want to see the towers crash. I don't want to see the people running away, and jumping out the windows to their death, and the first responders racing in.
I don't think I'm a bad person. I just don't want to see it all again. I don't want to feel that pain - and that fear - and that pain.
I know!!! It is really hard, mostly because it was all caught live and every ones emotions were so raw, and everything is so graphic! It is hard to re-watch because you are literally re-living it. I want to know what your husband does.... was he safe that day, and did you live in NY?
My husband's job has been anti-terrorism for the past 30+ years. When he was active-duty Army, he would visit government facilities and see how a terrorist attack could be avoided and/or the loss lessened.
We had moved from Maryland, where we lived a couple of miles from NSA (National Security Agency), which would have been an obvious target -- and knew a number of people who worked at the Pentagon.
But as you know, the attacks hit home with everyone regardless of where they were.
My husband ended up working non-stop for weeks, mainly because we were so certain that this was 'only the beginning' and more attacks would be immediately coming.
Thanks for your comments!
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