I am becoming a cynic, which according to Webster's is "a person who believes selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in disinterested points of view".
And at least so far it is only with regards to the media, not all human actions.
When CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. cannot find:

a) Another SURPRISE SURPRISE Republican candidate to SURPRISE SURPRISE announce their race to the SURPRISE SURPRISE White House,

b) Something more about the American debt to make us panic about being repossessed by China, be convinced that Obama is leading us to the destruction of the Constitution, or dig out the atomic bunkers from the 60's, and/or
c) A relatively minor earthquake in an area inexperienced with tremors but definately prone to panic...
Then the first major hurricane of the annual (i.e. each and every single year) hurricane season becomes
If Irene does remain a Category 5 and does major damage on the East Coast, killing thousands of residents, flooding Manhattan, and destroying human civilization as we know it, then I will have to eat my words.
But if it causes just some high waves, a lot of rain and not much else, like every other hurricane every other summer on the southern east coast, can we PLEASE learn to not panic about everything that rushes in to fill the news stations vacuum of thirty minutes?!
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