As human beings, we seem to always be looking outside of ourselves.
But we love the concept of extraterrestrials coming down in the past, or the present, or the future - directing us, fighting us, or helping us.
And it seems to be a natural combination to combine aliens and cowboys.
Because we seem to all want to be cowboys too.
The romance of the Wild West isn't just an American dream - I was amazed how popular it was in Europe.

Gunslingers - wild horses - handsome ranchers - the dusty main street of the town with the salons and bordellos....

Well, I live about thirty miles from Tombstone, Arizona, so maybe I don't see the romance as easily as other people.

But I do understand the attraction of aliens.
Think about it - God would be an alien, right?
He's an extraterrestrial, right?
And why shouldn't someone angelic not show up in a space craft?

my husband is totally into aliens too haha :)
I am just like you, I don't get the whole cowboy thing... except Wood from Toy Story... he a great character. But aliens... I think about it all the time, of course there is something out there that isn't just our world but I don't understand why people envision them being so odd looking, why can't they look just like us... like the sit com 3rd Rock From the Sun. Love that show by the way!!! But seriously, I mean they make horror movies of alien (Signs) and we all find it intregeing... well I do at least. And I don't even know why.... it is incredibly unrealistic!!! hahaha but we should have these conversations in Sunday School... that would be amazing!!!! PS Do you live close to Chandler? I have family there.
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