Sunday, July 14, 2013


We've had our share of natural disasters over the past few years.

The Monument Wildfire burned a huge part of the Huachuca Mountains and destroyed all the homes up Ash Canyon just a few miles from my house. And the floods that followed took out a lot of other houses and roads.

We've been in a prolonged drought, but when our rain does come, it comes all at once. The ground becomes saturated quickly, and all the rest simply runs off into floods -over highways, done the canyons, and especially over our dirt roads and wipes them out pretty quickly.

And right now the rains, they is a'coming.

So my husband and I tomorrow evening are going to repack our emergency supplies kits, get together stuff to get us through a few days in a shelter, and plan on ways to take care of the animals.

Getting four horses into the back of my little pick-up sounds perfectly reasonable, doesn't it?

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