Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I freely admit to being one of those persons who needs 9-10 hours of sleep a night.

When I was little, I would never get upset about nap time - I loved it.

Even when I was in high school, I would happily come home from school and take a little cat-nap.

I managed all those years of working full-time by using my lunch break for sleep - hidden away in some supply closet on a blanket on the floor - that little couch in the back shipping area - even the backseat of my car in the parking garage.

When I was using the public transportation in D.C., I could dose while on the Marc heading for home (and only slept through my stop a couple of times).

But now, not working regular hours, I am actually getting that 9-10 hours at night... and a couple more hours through naps.

But I am still craving more.

I am exercising - I'm up to two miles a day - I am getting out and doing things.

But I don't hang around with people much - I still live with a chronically depressed husband.

Is this trying to escape reality - is it depression -

or is it simply old age now?

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