Some people are okay with New Year's resolutions.
But they don't happen often enough for me.

Today, I had my day carefully and meaningfully planned.
I had all areas covered - family (getting my daughter to a job inquiry), housework (sweeping), animals (getting Najale out in the training pen for a half hour or so), physical (getting to the gym myself and doing 30 minutes on the treadmill AND weights).
So what happened instead?
Two baby goats were born.
Now, the surprise here was that I was just beginning to suspect that the younger female goat might be at the beginning of a pregnancy.
Not the END of one.
And this "younger female" is the equivalent of a young TEENAGER in goat years.
So once she gave birth, she raced away from the babies and hid in the furthest corner of the pen.

That's when MY maternal instincts switched on.
Well, actually my mothering inclinations are normally of the child, colt, puppy and kitten
type, not goats.
So with the assistance of my knowledgeable neighbor, Cherie (who DOES know a lot about goats), we got mama goat to accept and nurse her babies, built a shelter from the 90 degree Arizona heat, and Cherie left me with helpful tips on continuing the well-being of these two little guys.
But the rest of my Monday resolutions?
Shot to hell.