At least to me, most vacations seem to be packing up a lot of your own stuff, dragging this stuff to a hotel or resort or cruise liner or someplace near a body of water.

You then unpack all of it, become involved with complete strangers over games of chance, stand in long lines waiting for entertainment, purchase expensive tokens, souvenirs, and fast food.

Then you pack everything back up and return home to unload your dirty laundry plus a whole lot of sand from the beach.
My main considerations for a vacation?
Where am I going to sleep, and how comfortable is the bed, and what books am I going to read as I lounge in aforementioned resting place.
Forget going anywhere; I'm just happy to hang.
Of course, everything about this upcoming vacation is (fortunately) turning into somewhat of a normal-what-everyone-else-does vacation.

I am planning on going to Disneyland.
I am going to insist I get my toes at least wet in the Pacific Ocean - I have been landlocked too many years now in Arizona.

And I am going to stand in as long a line as necessary for as long as necessary to see the "Star Trek: Into Darkness" premier (and yes, it is to see Benedict Cumberbatch).
But hopefully the rest of it will simply be hanging with my daughter and grand-kids at home.
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