Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I spend more time at home than anywhere else, mainly because I live 20+ miles from the nearest form of civilization (e.g. land that does not have cattle grazing on it, stores, paved roads) and with the price of gas AND a gas-guzzling truck, I try to keep trips to a minimum.

(I also drive to Tucson 2-3 times a week, and that takes an entire gas tank worth of fuel)

And yes, I waste way too much time at home wandering through Facebook, picking and choosing through Pinterest (and feeling remarkably creative and productive doing so), and finding excuses to take naps (my favorite hobby and one I excel at).

So this morning was different.

Setting out with the express purpose of getting to the gym - and doing practically everything else instead - I spent about three hours jumping from event to event.

And today has moved remarkably fast.

I have tried to literally use a time-card at home to get myself motivated - I have set up hourly schedules - I have used rewards (normally chocolate) and punishments (usually cleaning).

But time at home, for me at least, gently oozes throughout the day, dripping excuses to wade into the warm gentle shallows of procrastination and pure laziness.

And any waves that crash are the ones that drown me in mindless computer browsing or simply lure back to bed.

But all these water allegories are making me slightly sea-sick; I think I had better quit.

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