I love leading music in church. I was born without an inkling of stage-fright, so am fully comfortable standing up in front of hundreds of people. And I am fully prepared to make an ass out of myself, bellowing out in my thin alto voice and waving my arms around in some poor imitation of proper time signature to the four people in the congregation who are actually
watching me.

But the part I like best is actually
hearing the congregation sing back at me.
I am partially deaf, and when seated in the front row, off to the left, I can really only hear the speaker and people sitting by the podium. Which, by the way, is deliberate - I'm not distracted by all the chatting, babies crying and whisperings going on behind me.

But I don't hear much of the voices of people behind me - usually just one strong tenor to my left (whom I greatly appreciate, since I am trying to pick up the tenor part at least in the last two verses of each hymn) and whatever the organist and chorister are bellowing out.
So when I'm up in front, I can HEAR all those voices - and even when it's
bad, it's lovely - just voices attempting to unite in praise and worship.
1 comment:
I had no idea you were partially deaf!! But I am not going to lie I love that you statically sit in a place with no distractions!!! My learning disability makes it so hard to focus when I can hear so many other things. And I love that you never had any stage fright!! You are a very rare talent!! Not many people have that ability! WAY TO GO!! You are like the champion of all sacrament meetings!!
PS thank you for always stopping by and leaving your sweet comments! You always make me smile!
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