Thursday, October 4, 2012


Why do people think that other groups/ people (obviously the ones that believe differently than THEY do) are deliberately trying to do evil?

This presidential campaign is getting silly at times (well, what political campaign doesn't end up being silly before the end?), but the claims on BOTH sides can be ridiculous..

In our church parking lot yesterday was a rusted four-door sedan crudely-emblazoned with letters spelling out "OBAMA IS A LIAR."

Calling people names is one way to dehumanize them. And calling them BIG names (like liar or cheat or socialist) is one way to scare people who are willing to be scared (fear IS a choice, believe it or not).

Do they really believe that people consciously WANT to do evil? That they are DELIBERATELY choosing a way to hurt everyone else?

I don't agree with a LOT of other people politically, religiously or socially - but I know in my heart that they are trying to do what THEY feel is right and best and good.

And part of my spiritual beliefs is that we are ALL children of our Heavenly Father, and siblings of our brother Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Isn't one of the BIG commandments "Love one another"?

And that is NOT followed by "...except if they are Democrat/ Republican/ Muslim/ Catholic."

The commandment is NOT "... except when they disagree with your version of reality."

NOT "...when you don't like them."

No, the commandment is pretty much for ALL of us, and it is about EVERYONE.

I may not agree with a politician - but I am certain he/she is trying to honestly do what they think is best. So can we just stop the name calling for the next, oh, 31 days?


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