Saturday, October 27, 2012


Sometimes there is a great deal of planning & preparation before a new arrival.

With a human baby, normally you have the nine months of pregnancy (10, for me) to adjust to the idea of an infant and get ahead on things like blankets and cribs and bathing hats (whoever thought of this was a GENIUS).

People throw you baby showers (at least for your first one), grandparents sent presents, you haunt with Baby's 'R Us or get real acquainted with thrift shops if you can't afford Baby's 'R Us.

With adoption, you sometimes have years of anticipation (and heart-break when it doesn't work out).

But normally you do have some time.

Yesterday we acquired two goats, and we are getting two more today.

Without any planning at all.

A friend was giving them away FREE, wanted to get rid of them IMMEDIATELY.

So I'm learning now about goats.

Updates will be posted soon.

1 comment:

nikki said...

I am not so sure Babys R Us will have anything to help you with Goats :) have a fun time with them though.