"Anything that can possibly go wrong, does."
Today, I woke up inspired to begin a healthier lifestyle.

I created a nice little poster yesterday to remind me to drink a bottle of water first when I felt hungry -- to recognize when I am bored instead of hungry -- cut back drastically on my Diet Coke habit -- and to save the chocolate for only special moments instead of constantly.
So what happened today?
I ate a healthy, reasonable breakfast, with TWO bottles of water.
But I forgot to take my medications until right before I have to drive into town at 9:20 a.m.
So I took them then.
And began to get sick-to-my-stomach on the drive in.
For those of you who do not know where I live, my home is between the middle of No and Where. There is NOTHING close by. You cannot just run out to get a gallon of milk or a tank of gas -- for heaven's sake, the stupid MAIL box is almost two miles away.
So the only choice for any type of food/Pepto-Bismol/Alka-Seltzer is one lonely convenience store about half-way between home and the closest city limits.

And as most if not all convenience stores, the chose of any sort of 'healthy' food is seriously, seriously limited.
So I got a slice of pizza.
Really, it was that, Twinkies or chewing tobacco.

And, er, yeah, THREE of their freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
Then my husband, who has finally caught on to the fact that I am not incredibly happy with him at the moment, surprised me by bringing how for dinner my FAVORITE meal - pizza.
With an extra order of bread-sticks.

Oh, well, tomorrow is another day.
Isn't it?
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