Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I woke myself up screaming from a nightmare.

I stood and stared at an empty plate for probably 45 seconds, just trying to get myself to pick it up.

I have spoken to my dog more today than normal (and I talk to her a LOT normally).

I have had a raging headache all day from the high pressure weather system that is attacking my home with savage winds.

Caramel MacchiatoI ordered a double chocolate frappucino today at Starbucks while waiting for my brother to do his grocery shopping - and accidentally drank part of a caramel macchiato before I realized it was NOT what I ordered.

(For those of you who don't know many Mormons, this is equivalent to an Orthodox Jew eating a pork chop)

And now I have someone coming over tomorrow at the literal break of dawn AND I'M NOT SLEEPY.

Okay, now I feel slightly better.

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