You may have noticed that I am trying to get back into the habit of writing in here. Even to the point that I am taking suggestions.
So here is a suggested topic: 9 things you just can’t handle.
And here are mine!
1. People sniffing instead of blowing their noses. I don't mean "little" sniffles, that we all get with a slightly runny nose. But a big INWARD SNORT - you can FEEL the mucus flying back into their throat. It's sickening.
2. Drivers not using their turn signals. And yes, we all forget sometimes, I realize. But this is the drivers who stomp on their brakes without warning and then make a hard left without warning. Who sit in the middle of the road without any idea of where they might be going. It's almost worse, the ones who turn on their turn signals AFTER they begin to turn - yeah, right, thanks a lot.
3. People who are so rabid about abortion. NOW HOLD ON JUST A SECOND. I am not FOR abortion - I don't know anyone who IS, including people who have HAD abortions. But it seems like the people I have met who ARE so against abortion also seem to be against free birth control - free health clinics - and help of ANY sort for the mother and child when s/he is born. If life is so precious, then it is when the baby is born to. Make it easier to adopt - track down the father and make him responsible too - give scared young girls who get pregnant some options.
4. Holes in my socks. Any kind of holes. I spent too many years putting UP with holes in my socks because of refusal to spend money on myself - now, I just can't tolerate them for even a MINUTE.
5.Parents who hit their kids. Yes, I suppose spanking sometimes can be justified - but I mean people who just haul off and whack their kids because they are mad at them. That's child abuse, that's not discipline.
6. Oreo cookies. I mean the ones they sell today. Even the Double-Stuff ones are as thin as the former REGULAR ones were. The middle stuff is all that makes them worthwhile, and there isn't enough of it THERE.
7. Nursing homes. I realize there are necessary, and the staff is seriously overworked and under-paid. But they are normally plain and simple, UGLY. Stark, un-decorated, UGLY. And I understand WHY - to keep clean, sterile, because patients come and go, because there's no extra money. But it's still AWFUL.
8. People who are deliberately rude. I don't mean accidentally or just lack of manners taught - but people who intentionally WANT to hurt people's feelings. Just to make, somehow, themSELVES feel better.
And last but not least, 9. Donald Trump.
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