I strike up conversations with complete strangers.
I'm one of those persons who always raises their hand in class (I know, it's irritating, isn't it?).

I always have an opinion, and I never hesitate to share it.
Except for this past Sunday.
We had a lovely lesson about President Uchtdorf regarding regrets we may have at the end of our life, and how to make resolutions now to avoid them.
Very nice discussion about spending more time with those we love, and letting ourselves be happier.
But this comment was made by a lovely sister who I completely respect and admire.
In relation to finding time for service to others, she mentioned having an epiphany this past week while doing her housework - if she got ahead on preparation (for the Christmas season, was the example being used), she would then be free to accept opportunities to serve.
And I literally had to sit on my hands to stop from jumping up and shouting -
Service isn't something we do only after all the silverware is polished, the carpets are all vacuumed and the laundry is taken care of.
It counts, at least in my internal books, when you do something that is a sacrifice - that you give up something possible good for something better.
I can't imagine Christ saying, oh, no, I have to finish this cabinet before I can heal you.
It might be easier for you to leave the household duties if you are "ahead of schedule", but you are missing the entire point.
We are supposed to "put aside worldly things" - to me, that's not just politics, R-rated movies and coffee.
Worldly things include the floor getting mopped. Making that cute little handout for your next lesson. Getting the mending all completed.
I take it as jumping and grabbing the opportunity to help a family move, to sit with that grieved sister and just listen, to pick up trash at the school's playground and cover the graffiti on the walls.
Not because I have the rest of my life in order - but to PUT my life in the REAL order it should be.
But I didn't jump up and shout.
I waited until I could holler in this blog.