The following was posted on Facebook this morning by a young LDS mother I thought I knew quite well:
Ok, this story in the news about this JERK who burned an American flag and then died from the fumes...THAT IS RIGHT!!! Sorry, but "courtesy of the Red, White and the Blue" baby!!! =D
First paragraph of the story: Islamabad, Sept. 19 (ANI): A Pakistani man has died after inhaling smoke from burning U.S. flags during a protest rally against the anti-Islam film - Innocence of Muslims.
Abdullah Ismail died in Mayo hospital in Lahore after having complained of feeling unwell during the angry demonstrations, reports the Daily Mail.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE, PEOPLE? As Christians, we get upset over certain groups of Muslim becoming violent over an evil portrayal of their prophet --- but we are HAPPY when one of them dies because of someone burning OUR country's symbol - not even a religious symbol?

When you talk about religious freedom, you don't get to pick and choose - oh, sure, MY religious/political symbolism is fine, but YOURS is completely ridiculous.
One of my favorite cartoons doesn't translate easily, but I'll try since I can't get the scanner to accept it:
Imagine a series of connect-the-dots, which obviously spell out "GOD LOVES EVERYONE."
Then immediately below it, the words "SOME PEOPLE JUST CAN'T CONNECT THE DOTS."

That somehow this is justifiable - God's way of getting back at him for burning an American flag? That this death, that ANY death by religious/patriotic/whatever fever is somehow within God's call?
And WE have the nerve to call these people religious fanatics?
People, really -- connect the dots.
1 comment:
This is why I am over social media!! People post their opinions and don't care if it is offensive, then you try to make a point out of peace and respect and then it magically turns into an argument because you have offended them and now your are in the wrong and the ignorant one!! It's like no one understand the true meaning of freedom of speech. What our four founding fathers envisioned was the freedom to say and write what you want with out being wrongly criticized and persecuted. That the government wouldn't through you into jail because you didn't agree with them. It doesn't mean you can become heartless and just say thing despite others!!
It's funny to see how facebook has changed people in that sense. This form of entitlement with out any consequences or responsibility! And I agree as a Christian it needs to be in your heart at all time and in all places. Who could truly rejoice in any accidental death?
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