As I crept in late (helping with Primary music), our combined Relief Society/Priesthood was being taught by our bishop. From the board, it was obvious we were talking about those standard Mormon things (FHE, prayer, scriptures, tithing) that most of us standard Mormons at least try to do regularly.
Then he used a particular phrase - "And realize you are going to have to talk to them about the BIG things."
And my immediate thought was, "Oh, big things - like basic sex education, how to avoid drugs and getting pregnant!"
It was homosexuality.
Now, yes, I know some gay people. I know some gay couples. Got a few gays in my family. And yes, from my church's teachings, sexual relations are to be limited to a man and woman in a legal, martial relationship.
But why is this a "BIG" thing?
I know a heck of a lot more teenage girls who have gotten pregnant because some young hot male convinced them that it was how to show love. I know a lot more people who got married at age 16 because of a pregnancy. I have seen more people in my life have to deal with drug addiction; I have seen quite a few fail miserably. I have a friend who died of AIDS.

And how many people do you know who are living together without the 'benefit' of marriage? Now, again, from my church's view, this is sinful. Why suddenly is this BIGGER if the couple happen to be of the same sex? They at least don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, right?
Another phrase used that raised my eyebrows was to "not TOLERATE homosexuality."
As my husband brought up, what is the alternative, exterminate?! And why isn't this judging? Isn't this forcing OUR religious views on other people?
I have no problem with sex outside of marriage being wrong - I agree with it. It's a betrayal of marital vows.
But before you start determining the "largest" of the "gay problem," please address all the married people who are having affairs - to all the physical, mental and emotional abuse that can occur in the home to spouses and children and parents - address and conquer addiction to pornography - focus on alcoholism.
And when you get all that taken care of, THEN being homosexual can become a "big" problem.