Problems expand so as to fill all the emotional space available.
And I fully acknowledge that this past year I have had as unproblematic a time as humanly possible.
(Well, if you don't count adding six horses, four different dogs, a broken nose and sixteen stitches on my skull)
But right now I have just
one too many dilemmas in my life.

I am adjusting to having a husband back from a war zone.
We now also have my diabetic, partially blinded older brother living with us.
My church organization is beginning a new year of youth activities with absolutely NO plan in place.

And my mother-in-law had surgery this morning in Oregon, draining fluid from her brain following a stroke this weekend - so my husband is agonizing as to whether he should immediately fly out there, caught between his duty as a dutiful son and the presence of another family member he does
not live already being out there.

It could be worse - it could be much MUCH worse - but I am suddenly having daily headaches, trouble breathing, and rapid heart beat.
Any chance we could at least eliminate
one of these problems?
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