Saturday, June 4, 2011


Okay, some things don't make sense to me.

Why do we have speed limits when we all (including the cops) automatically drive faster than what is posted?

We American women seem to consider ourselves liberated - so why do we purchase and wear nylons (stockings absolutely and completely guaranteed to NOT last)?

And why do we spend $280 MILLION dollars a year on making ourselves look younger?

I googled "laugh lines" - and came up with How to Get Rid of Laugh Lines, How To Exercise To Get Rid Of Laugh Lines and Laugh Lines Around the Mouth – The Most Effective Way of Getting Rid of Laugh Lines .

Someone needs to explain this to me - you are trying to get rid of a VISIBLE reminder of past happiness.

Yesterday, while driving home from Tucson and trying at the same time to eat a Frosty while merging onto rush-hour traffic on I-10, I looked in the mirror to try to wipe off the chocolate ice cream off my nose.

And I saw, for the first time, the visible lines around my mouth which are there even when I am NOT grinning.

I could not have been prouder.

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