Directions: See if you can write a story of exactly 26 sentences. But here is the hard part: Make the first sentence start with an a, the second with a b, the third with a c and so on through the alphabet. (For x you may cheat and use a word beginning with the prefix ex.)
Try and see if you can get through the entire alphabet with your story!

Lingering while the last twinges of twilight touched the landscape, she suddenly realized the absurdity of the situation. Maybe she was looking for danger. No, she thought, she was too sensible for that. Of course, she was a logical, practical traveler who could deal with this situation. Perhaps she just needed to taste a treacherous position. Queerly, she knew she had never been even close to jeopardy.

Racing back to the highway, she also dragged the map out. Scanning for local towns, she was frustrated by the amount of open land.

Trembling for the first time since the trip began, she actually considered the possibilities. Under the stars, camping? Vacillating between unrealistic options like wandering down to the riverbank? Wacky concepts - searching for xenoliths under starlight - yearning for the tall dark stranger to rescue her - zounds!
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