Friday, September 5, 2008


Since I need to do some writing, and have no privacy with which to write it, I am creating this blog entry, and will in all probability not publish it. I just need to write this out to help it go away.

I am craving love. Not necessarily physical (although that does sound very nice right around now), but love as in someone who makes my feelings, my happiness, my peace-of-mind a priority in his/her love (this makes it sound very gay - I'm just trying to remain objective).

I have various individuals in my family who DESPERATELY need me - but love me? I think not. I know it's a direct consequence of their depression(s), but everything is self-centered-me-me-me.

So how does that differ from what I am asking/looking for?I

I like to think that I am, if nothing else, at least helpful. I do try to help other people feel better about themselves - I do put other's needs over mine (at least part of the time) - and there are quite a few people that I know I love.

Heavenly Father, you're the one that counts, and you're the one that is constant in your love for me. I know that. Am I asking too much to get just a little bit of it down here on earth?

If this is just some sort of mid-life crisis, then I just need to get over it. I've never been pretty. I know I married way too young.

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