But I have to give up the idea of choc
olate, chips, and munchy things to keep me awake since I have been eating them non-stop for the entire month I have been here and am already planing my exercise/diet attack when I get home (Rul
e No. 1: Do not keep such items with a fourteen mile radius of the house, Rule No. 2: Do not stay up past midnight each and every night, thereby guaranteeing that you will drive those fourteen miles at 11:30 p.m. to purchase such items.)

- The Aloha attitude. It's not just for the tourist, there are just a lot of smiles here, and a lot of relaxed happy people. And happiness is a decision, regardless of where you are.
- My regular 'farmer's' tan (only on my face and arms below the t-shirt line), but at least it's darker.
- Some great computer shortcuts and websites that I have picked up, as well as the determination, after being spoiled by a 'real' Internet connection, to disconnect the land-line and use that money towards a broad-band connection.
- Memories of Kate learning to say, "Please, Grandma, chocolate!", Colin becoming a great sport when he lost at Wii to me (bowling only; the boy still destroys me in tennis), Blake's active participation in "America's Got Talent", and Harmony and I both FREAKING out when the season premiere of "The Office" was NOT recording automatically.
Arizona, watch out, I'm coming back!
Hi Hope, best wishes for a great trip back to the ol' homestead. I'm in mourning over Paul Newman, sniff sniff. Remember when Robin Yamamoto brought over a birthday cake on Paul Newman's birthday and we all celebrated?? We were nuts. But it was all fun. I digress...travel safe and keep on blogging!
How was the plane ride? Hope it went well. How is everyone back home?
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