I have three great kids. A wonderful example of God only giving us what He already knows we can handle; otherwise I'd be in prison for murder. They have all done amazing things (of course, in very different ways), and I am proud to be related to them (I can't credit any of this to my prowess as a parent - quite the opposite - I think they all have admirably overcome the handicap of having me as a mother).
However, did I perhaps I teach/show them a little too much confidence? It's an old joke among us early feminist that what is called confidence in men is labeled as pushy when a woman has the same thing.
And although I think of myself as a fairly mellow person (as long as chocolate, my animals or pizza is not involved), I also am known for my opinion appearing on the editor's page of our local newspaper (which, since I don't get the Sunday paper, people at church have to tell me about) and not being quiet, lady-like or nice when something that I am/have paid for does not reach/maintain/exceed my expectations - you should have seen me the last time I got a non-smoking hotel room that someone had smoked in.
Plus I don't think I have ever NOT asked for a discount - military, senior citizen, just because I made someone smile... it works a lot more often than it doesn't.
Being raised as military brats... excuse me, service kids (wait a minute, that sounds worse, like I sold them into child-labor or something), perhaps my kids had to experience a few more unplanned changes of life than most civilian kids. Coping with new situations, losing and gaining friends, being edged out of your comfort zone - this can either lead to confidence, what is called character, or early psychosis.
So when my oldest told me today that she had commandeered the early release of her vehicle... umm, how about forced the capitulation of one of the four branches of military services... nah, how about single-handily pressured the early relinquish of a powerful....
I better quit while I'm only this far behind. But I'm still proud of her.

1 comment:
If there was any post linked to me, I'm so proud that it would start with "Trespassers Will Be Shot.."
Yes, yes I rule! And now there is a blog post to declare it to the world...
...which I will RULE!
(ah, the power went to my head!)
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