And these aren't just Facebook "friends" - although most of the things I am responding to here are from Facebook postings - these are actual people who I know from church, I know from my rural community.
We just don't talk politics.
But BOTH of them "liked" the following post:

I don't consider myself a crazy liberal.
But I do consider myself a Christian.
Probably not the best Christian, but a Christian.
And the commandment "Love thy neighbor" must mean something different to me than those people I call friends.

Look, I'm not Muslim.
And I'm not excusing the horrible massacre done in France by people claiming to be Muslim.
But I know how upset I would be to see cartoons that showed Jesus Christ, who I consider my Savior and my Elder Brother, in, let us say, compromising positions with innocent people.
So I can understand how people who accept the Prophet Muhammad would be upset about rude cartoons.
Not enough to justify murder, no, never.
But please, when Christians are using the behavior of a few loose-canons from Islam to act in the most un-Christ-like way....
Does anyone else have a problem with this?
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